Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Carrots are not what you think they are

'The following information is from a farmer who grows and packages carrots for IGA, METRO, LOBLAWS, etc.

The small cocktail (baby) carrots you buy in small plastic bags are made using the larger carrots which are put through a machine which cuts and shapes them into cocktail carrots.

What you may not know and should know is the following: once the carrots are cut and shaped into cocktail carrots they are dipped in a solution of water and chlorine in order to preserve them (this is the same chlorine used in your pool) and since they do not have their skin or natural protective covering, they give them a higher dose of chlorine.

You will notice that once you keep these carrots in your refrigerator for a few days, a white covering will form on the carrots; this is the chlorine which resurfaces. At what cost do we put our health at risk to have esthetically pleasing and simple to serve vegetables which are unhealthy?

We do hope that this information can be passed on to as many people as possible in the hopes of informing them where these carrots come from and how they are processed. Chlorine is a very well known carcinogen.'

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Transparent Butterflies

Absolutely gorgeous photos!
It comes from Central America and is found from Mexico to Panama. It is quite common in its zone, but it not easy to find because of its transparent wings, which is a natural camouflage mechanism.
A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rain forest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red.

All things beautiful do not have to be full of color to be noticed: in life that which is unnoticed has the most power.

Really something, isn't it!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Who needs a Barbie Doll when you can have a live one

Wow... she is so cute, adorable and sweet, just like a little angel.

Who needs a barbie doll when you can have Suri Cruise!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Amazing Paper Cuttings

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Amazing Shots Taken At the Right Time

This is really a work of art with nature. It's so beautiful.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bento full of motherly love

Nothing beats the motherly love that you seen with the lovely beautiful bento that children loves to eat.

Monday, November 3, 2008

3D Chalk Painting